This is an Online Store Analysis
## Data Analysis Project With Python Pandas
Analysing dataset from an online store to answer bussiness questions:
- What was the best month for sales. How much was earned?
- What Us City has the highest number of sales.
- What time should we place advertisement to increase the likelihood of buying?
- What are some product that are always sold together?
- What product is sold the most and why do you think is sold?
This business questions is answered analysing the store dataset with pandas and matplotlib for the data visualization-
Skills to watch :
- Data cleaning
- Data analysis
- Data visualization
- Paying attention to details
- Problem solving skills
Step 1 :
Loading the data using the panda method pd.read_csv()
Step 2 :
Cleaning the dataset which include finding missing value in the dataset this was achieved using the is_null() panda method I deleted the missing value with the following lines of code
all_data = all_data[all_data['Order Date'].str[0:2]!="Or"]
Then i converted the column to the right data type using to_numerical() function
I augment my data column with the table,i converted it to a the right data type using the .astype() function
I added the city column with the following line of code
def get_city(address):
return address.split(",")[1]
def get_state(address):
return address.split(',')[2].split(" ")[1]
all_data["City"] = all_data["Purchase Address"].apply(lambda x : f"{get_city(x)}({get_state(x)})" )
After i made sure my data is well cleaned ,then i proceed to step 4 # Step 4: Answering the first question. # What was the best month for sales .How much was earned? # add sales column by multiplying Quanttity ordered by price
Then i visualized my results with matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.ylabel("Price in USD ($)")
plt.xlabel("Month Number")
According to my analysis i found out that month of december has the highest number of sales
# Step 5. What Us City has the highest number of sales.How much was earned? Using data visualization library matplotlib i found out that San francisco as the highest number of sales Using the sum function i found out how much was earned
#Step 6:
What time should we place advertisement to increase the likelihood of buying? I converted the Order date column to a timestamp using the to_datetime() function
## I made sure i paid attention to detail by breaking down the time to hours and minute simply using the following lines of code
all_data['Hour'] = all_data['Order Date'].dt.hour all_data['Minute'] = all_data['Order Date'].dt.minute all_data['Count'] = 1
Step 7
- What are some product that are always sold together? I used the .groupby() function to and i handle the duplicate data since i am getting the data in pairs
df = all_data[all_data['Order ID'].duplicated(keep = False)]
df['Grouped'] = df.groupby('Order ID')['Product'].transform(lambda x: ','.join(x))
df = df[['Order ID','Grouped']].drop_duplicates()
Step 8:
- What product is sold the most and why do you think is sold?
I was able to analyse the Quantity ordered column with respect to the price to determine why a product is been sold more than ones
` product_group = all_data.groupby(‘Product’) quantity_ordered = product_group.sum()[‘Quantity Ordered’] = [product for product , df in product_group],quantity_ordered) plt.ylabel(‘Quantity Ordered’) plt.xlabel(‘Product’) plt.xticks(products, rotation =’vertical’,size = 8)`
I tactfully used the groupby() function to achieve my aim.