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Data analysis project with python pandas

This is an Online Store Analysis

## Data Analysis Project With Python Pandas

Analysing dataset from an online store to answer bussiness questions:

  1. What was the best month for sales. How much was earned?
  2. What Us City has the highest number of sales.
  3. What time should we place advertisement to increase the likelihood of buying?
  4. What are some product that are always sold together?
  5. What product is sold the most and why do you think is sold?

This business questions is answered analysing the store dataset with pandas and matplotlib for the data visualization- pexels-tima-miroshnichenko-7567440

Skills to watch :

  1. Data cleaning
  2. Data analysis
  3. Data visualization
  4. Paying attention to details
  5. Problem solving skills

Step 1 :

Loading the data using the panda method pd.read_csv()

Step 2 :

Cleaning the dataset which include finding missing value in the dataset this was achieved using the is_null() panda method I deleted the missing value with the following lines of code

all_data = all_data[all_data['Order Date'].str[0:2]!="Or"] Then i converted the column to the right data type using to_numerical() function

I augment my data column with the table,i converted it to a the right data type using the .astype() function

I added the city column with the following line of code

def get_city(address): return address.split(",")[1] def get_state(address): return address.split(',')[2].split(" ")[1] all_data["City"] = all_data["Purchase Address"].apply(lambda x : f"{get_city(x)}({get_state(x)})" )

After i made sure my data is well cleaned ,then i proceed to step 4 # Step 4: Answering the first question. # What was the best month for sales .How much was earned? # add sales column by multiplying Quanttity ordered by price

Then i visualized my results with matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt months=range(1,13),results['Sales']) plt.ylabel("Price in USD ($)") plt.xlabel("Month Number")

According to my analysis i found out that month of december has the highest number of sales

# Step 5. What Us City has the highest number of sales.How much was earned? Using data visualization library matplotlib i found out that San francisco as the highest number of sales Using the sum function i found out how much was earned

Screenshot (80)

#Step 6:

  1. What time should we place advertisement to increase the likelihood of buying? I converted the Order date column to a timestamp using the to_datetime() function

    ## I made sure i paid attention to detail by breaking down the time to hours and minute simply using the following lines of code

    all_data['Hour'] = all_data['Order Date'].dt.hour all_data['Minute'] = all_data['Order Date'].dt.minute all_data['Count'] = 1

Step 7

  1. What are some product that are always sold together? I used the .groupby() function to and i handle the duplicate data since i am getting the data in pairs

df = all_data[all_data['Order ID'].duplicated(keep = False)] df['Grouped'] = df.groupby('Order ID')['Product'].transform(lambda x: ','.join(x)) df = df[['Order ID','Grouped']].drop_duplicates() df.head()

Step 8:

  1. What product is sold the most and why do you think is sold?

Screenshot (81)

I was able to analyse the Quantity ordered column with respect to the price to determine why a product is been sold more than ones

` product_group = all_data.groupby(‘Product’) quantity_ordered = product_group.sum()[‘Quantity Ordered’] = [product for product , df in product_group],quantity_ordered) plt.ylabel(‘Quantity Ordered’) plt.xlabel(‘Product’) plt.xticks(products, rotation =’vertical’,size = 8)`

I tactfully used the groupby() function to achieve my aim.

Thanks for your time.Check out the github account to download dataset and give a star